Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Athens, Greece

We made it to Greece! We had no troubles with the airplanes, all were on time and our luggage got here safely. Praise God!

We got to athens and with a bus ride to the center of the city and a walk about a mile we made it to our Hostel. No problems with chech-in. We walked up to our floor and it's called "The Under World" with titles of the rooms like "Medusa's Lair" etc. Ours is called "Hades" we both laughed.

Although our room may seem a bit hellish our adventure so far certainly has not. On our 8 hour flight from Chicago to Zurich we sat by a lady, Rita, who happens to be a Christian! God is so good! The conversation with Rita was so encouraging for both Julie and I and I hope for Rita as well. After we got settled at our hostel we walked around the city a bit and had dinner at a restaurant near the ancient Agora with a lovely view of the Acropolis. The food was wonderful, the weather was perfect and all the ancient wonders were lighting up as we ate dinner so we had a lovely view of the sites at night. As we were eating 2 ladies next to us were out having dinner as well, they were American and they were Christians too! God has just been surrounding us!

Off for now. Will update again in a few days from Santorini! Love you all! Pictures will come soon!

There is no fear in love, but
perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. ~I John 4:18~ Emailed to me from my papa.

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