Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last night in Athens

I must say while Athens boasts some rich history I would never want to spend more than the two days Julie and I decided to spend here. It's a rather depressing city. It's dirty, there is graffiti everywhere, stray dogs and cats roam all over, and there's a bit of an oppressive atmosphere. While I feel safe in the general tourist areas one wrong turn down the wrong street can lead to a more...interesting part of town. The other thing that struck me is that no one who lives here seems happy. Who would want to live in a city that you're not happy in? A thought to ponder.

Other than the depressing aura of the modern city of Athens, the historic sites are quite impressive. But I was reminded that although all these sites were magnificent in their day, they have slowly deteriorated and will eventually become nothing and may even be forgotten. It was comforting to be on Mars Hill knowing that the Apostle Paul once spoke words there that are eternal. He spoke truth, the Ultimate Truth about Christ Jesus, who was and is, and is to come, He will never fade away. Realizing that among all the ancient ruins was just awe inspiring.

Pray for Julie and I as we ferry to the Island Of Santorini tomorrow. Pray that there are no complications and we are able to make it to our hostel safely. I may feel a bit differently about Greece being on a beautiful Island in the middle of the Mediterranean ;) Also pray for our travels to Turkey, we still haven't quite figured out how we are going to get from Santorini to Turkey. It's a bit exciting though knowing that we don't quite have everything specifically nailed down to the last detail. We get to learn to trust each other and our Savior :)

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